Story 03: Sarcasm, Sadcasm From Digihood Media Pvt Ltd

Sarcasm is the use of words to mock someone or annoy someone for humor Purposes -Dictionary definition.

Meme is an image or video or piece of text etc. humorous in nature, copied and spread across Internet- Dictionary definition.

Sarcasm and Meme are more of synonyms in nature.

Therefore, Memes are made under the Title Sarcasm is a Perfect blend.

Sarcasm is a Meme page created by two young lads.

Meet Luthra and Rakesh Prasad are two people behind sarcasm fb page.

In Other words, These two were Experimenting on Entertainment pages, before they land on Sarcasm.

Viewers Engagement to Sadcasm & Sarcasm

Let’s look at the facts about the engagement to these Pages

“Sarcasm and Sadcasm” has fanbase in 40+ countries.

It has more than 60M+ Subscribers from across the world.

In Other words, 15-35 age groups across the world are major Subscribers to these pages.

Secret to this Engagement

Friends is an American sitcom which was very successful.

Friends was aired between 1994 to 2004, which is 10 years.

Therefore, The age group audience and the timing it aired is more likely.

Friends is a show which connects every kind of audience .

In addition , it has fanbase across the globe.

In Other words, Friends has no haters. this show can be watched repeatedly watched for lifetime.

These Entertainment pages started making content based on the show.

However, They’ve reached to a place where they make content on regular life things too. but in a very a engaging way.

Now let’ look at the Image of Sarcasm page.

Rich results on Google's SERP when Searching for Sarcasm

The Man in that Picture is Matthew Perry, Popularly known by Chandler Bing.

Chandler Bing meant for Sarcasm in this show

Chandler Bing is the Successful Character from Friends Show.

In Conclusion, If you understand the data above and the title Sarcasm, Sadcasm , title itself is a huge success.

The link to this page

Above all, Creating fresh content can get you the surprising results, rather than the existing content.

Meet Luthra From Digi hood Media

Meet Luthra was born on 17 November 1995. He completed his Schooling in Harikishan Public School.

After that, he joined in Panipat Institute of Engineering& Technology to Pursue B.A.

Later, He discontinued in his first year itself, to start his digital space.

Right now , These pages has more followers than the renowned Celebrities in India.

Which speaks for success of it’s content.

It creates the right content at right trending topics, which can Engage larger Audience.

Sadcasm memes are Universal which can be relatable to all the people round the globe.

Digi hood media, is India’s largest digital portal, with more than 60M organic followers.

Digi hood media can change the game of social media platforms.

It hold the pages like Sourcasm, Sarcastic bro in addition to Sarcasm and Sadcasm.

It has Esteemed clients like McDonalds, Vodafone and Cadbury etc.

Meet Luthra has proved to ‘ follow your dreams’

Even though, he drop out of a college. he made his place by following his dream.

He sets an Example for the generation, as well as importance of digital future.

Meet Luthra is a Millionaire in terms of followers as well as net worth.

little snippet from their Humor

Gaurav Shukla From Digihood Media Pvt. Ltd

He plays a major role behind the Sarcasm page which is more popular than any other page in all social media pages.

Gaurav Shukla is Co-founder of Digihood Media and Founder of Sarcastic_US &

Digi hood media have collaborated with the following movies for promotions

  • Raid
  • Omerta
  • High Jack
  • Veer di Wedding
In Conclusion

If you look at the collaborating partners and brands, It’s a very successful company.

Anyone who is looking for collaborating can go and visit the links provided. By 2025 they are aiming to reach 100M Target, right now at 60M+

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